A younger guy called me one day. He had about 3 friends with him. And they asked me a question, looking up to me for counsel. He told how “someone” had a relatively good job, the best paid among his contemporaries. They were all semi-skilled workers, awaiting university admission. The lucky lad however had a desire to be an Engineer. He got admission in a distant university and he was set to resign his job so he could pursue his dream full time; more so rarely could anyone study engineering part time.
The guys asked me their question: “The young lad has a good job but he has now got admission in a distant city. No one else would finance his education other than himself. Would you advice him to drop his job and pursue engineering, or to keep his job, give up engineering, and enroll for a part time social science course in the same city of his employment.”
I was in the center, on the hot seat…or so I thought!
“Well, it’s better to sacrifice today for the hopes of tomorrow, rather than to live in the now at the expense of your dreams. So that at the end of the day, you do not find yourself in a position of supposed success which you do not really appreciate.”
There was quite a long silence. I had disappointed the guys who wanted me to persuade their friend to stay back in town and keep his “good” job. Then one of them pointed at him and said: “He is the one.”
I felt weak! I kindda knew his financial situation and if I knew he was the one, I would probably have advised differently! But anyway, I had advised! And I had to stand by what I considered correct.
He resigned, and went to school and he is making beautiful progress.
Courage is the only pathway to the fulfillment of Hope! Courage to leave the shores of present comfort; Courage to embrace the intangible, the uncertain, the vision. It was with Courage that Esther saved Israel, bearing hope in mind. It was with Courage that four lepers saved Israel, keeping hope alive! For us to live our dreams and attain our hopes, we need to embrace Courage and launch out from familiar shores!
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In a normal life, there are great times and not-so-great times; bright times and not-so-bright …
For us to live our dreams and attain our hopes, we need to embrace Courage and launch out from familiar shores…………………..I agree. GOD bless u Uncle Lanre for sharing. Some of us needed to be reminded.
“Courage is the only pathway to the fulfillment of Hope! Courage to leave the shores of present comfort; Courage to embrace the intangible, the uncertain, the vision. It was with Courage that Esther saved Israel, bearing hope in mind. It was with Courage that four lepers saved Israel, keeping hope alive! For us to live our dreams and attain our hopes, we need to embrace Courage and launch out from familiar shores!” ….
Amen to this!! So apt a statement that I so needed to read today, as it comes along with other ‘pointers’ in this direction…
God bless and may this also be a word in season for many others
Thank you for this. I pray it will be said of me one day too as it was said of Esther, four lepers and many men of old who stood out boldly in courage and faith to pursue what they believed was correct even when it seemed they may loose their life for such action? In the end, they were victorious, majority of them didnt die in the long run for taking such actions. And should it even meant death at times, the best way to die i believe is in pursuing one’s God given vision. That’s how we leant Paul, Peter, Stephen etc died . Even our Lord Jesus Christ died upon the singular purpose of pursuing his vision. No wonder Paul said for me to live is Christ and to die is gain. So whether we live or die, we are Christs’..
Taking that first step in any journey is always the most difficult, especially if there are uncertainties. Looking beyong the clouds and imagining the day after the rain will help us take that step, knowing that it will be worth the while after all. By the grace of God, every mountain is surmountable.
This is a great one! nuggets to run with throughout life. Bless you