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Plan to Contribute

Yes, plan to contribute, not just to the finances of your immediate community. Join in the effort to make the whole world better!

I read an article about seeking to do more than consume material from the internet. That was about 12 years ago, and that is why you are reading this today.

What’s your contribution?
What do you produce?
What difference do you make to your organisation’s deliverables?

I once had a boss whose position was made to appear unnecessary. Then he went on leave and the poor quality of our deliverables began to embarrass us. It became very clear to us in no time that if Mr D.M. had been in the office there was no way such jobs could have left the department. We immediately valued his contribution.

Even if you do not have much to do, volunteer. Teach in a nearby school for free! Write! Read and prepare for the great future ahead! Walk your neighbour’s dog!

But by all means, add value!

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