Winning is fun for everyone. When you win, you want to go further whether in class, at home, on the job or even at doing the wrong things.
In our financial journeys, we need to set easy wins along the path. They will encourage us to keep going. If you aim to save 100,000 in 2 years, set a closer and easily achievable target of 10k, 20k, 50k, and 75k, before the 100k.
When you hit 10k, you are happy. When you hit 20k, you are encouraged to go for 50k etc, until you hit the 100k. Keeping your eyes on 100k from 0 could make it look daunting.
And if you want to save up 1 million for the initial deposit on your house, start by opening an account with a mortgage institution. Then set targets for 100k, 250k, etc.
Win one step at a time!
Image by πβ‘πΌβ‘π Julita πβ‘πΌβ‘π from Pixabay
Drops of water makes an ocean. Just start is the key and you will be hooked.